Episode 41
038 Switch Joycons compatible with Steam, Twitch users bankrupt from crypto gambling, Logitech announces cloud-gaming device, and plenty more!
//DeadDrop{TRANSFER}:"8th August, 2022"// Today's transfer includes a Gamestop NFT creator caught selling games he doesn't own, Twitch in trouble for crypto-gambling sponsors bankrupting audiences, Logitech G and Tencent announce cloud-gaming handheld, Square Enix selling off more stuff, and plenty more! Welcome to The Dead Drop, your secret cache of game news delivered safely and securely to your podcast player.
Sources for the stories in this episode:
Story 1: Creator on Gamestop NFT Marketplace caught out for selling games he didn’t own
Story 2: Twitch under scrutiny after streamers make millions from crypto-gambling, and bankrupt viewers
Story 3: Logitech G and Tencent announce cloud gaming handheld
Story 4: Tencent trying to become largest Ubisoft shareholder by paying over valuation
Story 5: Square Enix “looking to sell stakes” in US/EU studios to focus on Japan
Story 6: Switch Joycons now compatible with Steam on PC.
Story 7: Speculation of upcoming Deus Ex game squashed by Schreier on Resetera
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