Episode 47
043 Saints Row Reboot causes Embracer stock dip, Gamescom announcements a-plenty, LOTR purchased by The Embracer Group, and plenty more!
//DeadDrop{TRANSFER}:"25th August, 2022"// Today's transfer includes my noteworthy announcement picks from Gamescom, the Saints Row Reboot reviews badly and dips stock for Embracer, LOTR acquired by Embracer, PS VR2 coming early 2023, and plenty more! Welcome to The Dead Drop, your secret cache of game news delivered safely and securely to your podcast player.
Sources for the stories in this episode:
Story 1: Gamescom Opening Night Trailers and Release Roundup
Story 2: Embracer buys LOTR, other IPs and studios
Story 3: Embracer Group stock drops as new Saints Row releases
Story 4: PSVR 2 stealthily declared for release in early 2023 on Instagram
Story 5: Nintendo to boost Switch supply by shrinking packaging.
Story 6: KOTOR Remake moved from Aspyr Media to Sabre Interactive
Story 7: Days Gone and Pac-Man movies in the works
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