Episode 27
Dead Drop News 025 (Starfield Delay, Silent Hill rumours, NFTS from Square Enix, and more!)
Delivering the news as of 16th May, 2022. Today's transfer includes Bethesda Games Starfield and Redfall delayed until 2023, Nintendo of America to address contract worker complaints, Square Enix reveals plans for NFTs and blockchain in gaming, Bioware contractors offered work from home after threatening to unionise, and plenty more! Welcome to The Dead Drop, your secret cache of game news delivered safely and securely to your podcast player.
Sources for the stories in this episode:
Story 1: Nintendo of America President is reviewing stories of Working Conditions
Story 2: Bethesda games, Starfield and Redfall, delayed until 2023
Story 3: Konami profits owed to Yu-Gi-Oh
Story 4: Bioware contractors permitted to work from home
Story 5: Square Enix reveals plans for new studios and NFTs
Story 6: Fortnite Unreal editor coming later this year
Story 7: Konami working on new Silent Hill game?
Story 8: Ubisoft confirms games for this financial year (US, that is)
And, the infamous dancing gorilla…
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