Episode 56
052 Teen arrested over GTA 6 hack, Cyberpunk beats Witcher 3 on all time concurrents, Nvidia kills dreams of cheaper GPUs, and plenty more!
//DeadDrop{TRANSFER}:"26th September, 2022"// Today's transfer includes the UK teen arrested for the recent GTA 6 and Uber hack, Nvidia CEO says cheap GPUs are a thing of the past, Cyberpunk 2077 performing better than ever, “videogamedunkey” starts an Indie game publisher, and plenty more! Welcome to The Dead Drop, your secret cache of game news delivered safely and securely to your podcast player.
Sources for the stories in this episode:
Story 1: UPDATE - UK Police arrest 17-year-old for GTA 6 hack
Story 2: NVIDIA CEO claims low GPU prices are a thing of the past
Story 3: Cyberpunk 2077 clears Witcher 3’s all time concurrent player count
Story 4: “A Better Ubisoft” makes further claims of worse toxicity in the company
Story 5: Ninja Theory denies use of AI to replace voice actors
Story 6: Apex Legends calls for end to developer harassment from toxic audiences
Story 7: Twitch revenue split adjustment sparks outcry from streamers
Story 8: YouTuber starts indie game company called “Bigmode”
Story 9: Oxenfree 2: Lost Signals has been delayed until next year
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