Episode 57
053 Netflix opens a game dev studio in Helsinki, Skull & Bones delayed again, Marvel games not in the MCU, and plenty more!
//DeadDrop{TRANSFER}:"29th September, 2022"// Today's transfer includes Netflix starting to develop games on their own, Skull & Bones is delayed into 2023, Disney demands two Star Wars games per year, Silent Hill: The Short Message rated in Korea, and plenty more! Welcome to The Dead Drop, your secret cache of game news delivered safely and securely to your podcast player.
Sources for the stories in this episode:
Prologue: Super Bracket Bros is a great podcast! My guest spot will appear in a week or two!
Story 1: Aussie studio Mighty Kingdom laying off staff
Story 2: New Silent Hill title has been rated in Korea
Story 3: Disney wants two Star Wars games a year???
Story 4: FarCry 6 GOTY edition and expansion leaked
Story 5: Microsoft launches Mineral Camo controller
Story 6: Netflix opens a game studio in Helsinki
Story 7: Skull and Bones delayed due to “shallow gameplay”
Story 8: Marvel does not expect games to tie into the MCU
Story 9: US Department of Homeland Security gets grant to research extremism in gaming
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